
A religious person is a child of full simplicity; who has God as her bride, the Church for her mother, and the whole of humanity as her siblings, particularly humanity which suffers and is in various needs. Sisters, following the example of St. Catherine of Siena, are to derive the love of neighbor directly from Jesus Christ; and they are to dedicate themselves to the apostolic life without detriment to their inner life with God.

(Directory for the Novitiate)

Remember that your duty is not only to work on your personal sanctification; you are to be of assistance to others in their salvation. That is the apostolic spirit of our Order.


Sisters who work in the parish cannot have any other aim than to work sincerely, despite any great difficulty, to spread the Kingdom of God in souls.

(Directory for the Novitiate)

Desiring to work together with the Lord Jesus, it is necessary to surrender to Him totally.


Work exclusively for the glory of the Lord Jesus, to fulfill His most holy will, for the salvation of souls so dear to Him. I charge you with this so much, so much, my dear children.

(Letter to the unknown sister in Rawa Ruska)

Human means are helpful only insomuch as God deigns to bless them.

(Letter to Sisters in Wielowies; 1885)

Seek only the Lord Jesus, for only this assures peace in the hour of death.


Everything will pass like a dream; only what we do for God will remain.

(Letter to the Sisters in Tyczyn; 1882)
