Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Visits to your Divine Bride is to be your comfort and you delight. Have predilection to be in His company. While at the feet of the Lord Jesus, remember the needs of the Church, the Order, and the Congregation. Pray a lot for the conversion of sinners and for the souls of the faithful departed.

(Directory for the Novitiate)

Dear Sister, perhaps you do not comprehend exactly how great a grace it is when the Lord Jesus begins to draw our souls to the Most Precious Mystery. Ask the Lord Jesus at visits to the Blessed Sacrament that He draw you closer to Himself. Thank Him for this desire as for the greatest grace, for it is truly the beginning to the interior life.

(Letter to Sr. Dominic)

Live for Jesus-the Host; for Him work; for Him joyfully endure sufferings; and then you will see that a new world will open before you; your life will assume a new, still unknown to you, color.

(Letter to Sr. Dominic)

Experience shows that the heart is inflamed before the Blessed Sacrament. How happy is the sister who knows where to find the remedy for her own sinfulness. At times, one visit to the Blessed Sacrament suffices for the inner disposition to amend entirely. Never leave from before the Lord Jesus until you are captivated by a desire to belong totally to Him.

(Directory for the Novitiate)
